Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hayama Homestay

During our homestay in Hayama, Megan stayed with the Sunahara family while Doug and our friend Maseo stayed with Chimomo-san right up the hill.

Megan in her kimono overlooking the summer palace in Hayama. The kimono was a generous birthday gift from Chimomo-san.

Maseo trying tuna eye in a Tsukiji Fish Market district of Tokyo. Notice the slime coming off the eyeball.

The fish is so fresh in Tsukiji that the fish still seem to be alive.

Kimura-san, the emperor's potter, outside his studio in the hills over Hayama.

Doug pretends to be a master potter, but fails miserably.

Chimomo, a chef of much regional fame, treats Doug and Maseo from within her modest kitchen.

The happy Sunahara family outside their home.

Hikari reading in her Hayama home.


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